What does IEBT mean?
An IEBT is a specific certification that is granted by the Xunta de Galicia to innovative business projects that show potential to drive the knowledge in society and create qualified employment. These projects must meet certain criteria:
- Being technically, economically, financially, and commercially viable.
- Having an innovative nature and scientific content or technological base.
- Being a newly created private company with work centers in Galicia.
- Being capable of creating stable employment.
- Being made up of at least 25% of people with a university degree.
Hiring to go further
Obtaining certification as an IEBT is of great importance for a business project, as it allows access to a variety of aid programs in Galicia, ranging from financial support for starting a business, to subsidies for creating stable employment and hiring highly qualified professionals.
DIVERSA started as a small biotech spin-off company from the collaboration of the Santiago de Compostela Health Research Institute and the Galician Health Service. Nevertheless, we are clear on how we can build a stable future for the company: attracting new talent.
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