DIVERSA has received the “Ricardo Bescansa Martínez” prestigious award for Technology Transfer from the Galician Royal Academy of Sciences (RAGC) and the Xunta de Galicia.
This award motivates us to keep working hard!
The award is part of the Galician Technology Transfer Awards organized by the RAGC in collaboration with the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN), aimed at recognizing research and technological business success.
DIVERSA was born in 2022 as a biotech spin-off of the Nano-Oncology and Translational Therapeutics Group of the Foundation Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS) and the Galician Healthcare Service (Sergas), and it is an excellent example of a successful technology transfer.
DIVERSA has been recognized for the transference of lipid nanosystems to improve the biodistribution and release of therapeutic molecules with high potential to develop new drugs. This has been possible due to the implementation of the research conducted in the Nano-Oncology and Translational Therapeutics group.
In María de la Fuente own words, DIVERSA’s CEO and co-founder:
The transfer of the results and the constitution of DIVERSA was a great success that brings us closer to the achievement of the final objective. This award motivates us to continue working and contributing to advancing science and technology to benefit Galicia and Galician society.
Members from the Galician Royal Academy of Sciences, the Galician Innovation Agency, and part of DIVERSA’s team in the award ceremony held last 21st of June 2023.
We will continue to try to improve patients’ lives
Biotechnology and nanotechnology are crucial to finding new treatments that improve patients’ lives. DIVERSA technology based on nanometric lipid emulsions can be used to efficiently associate new molecules and transport them to their site of action in their therapeutically active form, helping them to reach the clinic. One of the major problems that new therapeutic molecules face is degradation before reaching their therapeutic target, and DIVERSA helps to overcome this issue, bridging the gap from benchtop to bedside.
The award was received on the last 21st of June in a ceremony at Pazo de San Roque in Santiago.
Part of the DIVERSA Team holds the recognition awarded by the Galician Royal Academy of Sciences after the award ceremony.
As María de la Fuente had said:
Receiving this award from the RAGC is an honor as it recognizes the work we have been doing for the last ten years when we developed a new type of nanosystems with the ambition of contributing to the discovery of innovative drugs to respond to unmet medical needs.
Abi Vázquez and María de la Fuente, co-founders of DIVERSA, hold the technology transfer award from the RAGC.
We would like to thank the RAGC and the GAIN for this recognition. This award motivates us to keep helping develop new therapeutic molecules for treating cancer and other diseases.
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